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September 26, 2011
Meeting:        Salem Licensing Board held Monday, September 26, 2011 at 6:00 pm in the third floor conference room, 120 Washington Street. Present were members: Members Rick Lee and John Casey, Investigator for the Board, Lt. Ouellette and Melissa Pagliaro, Clerk. Absent was Robert St. Pierre, chairman of the board.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Antonia Tsangaris.
         Mr. St. Pierre asked what he was looking to perform.
        Ms. Tsangaris said she is a live statue and would like to renew her license.
        Mr. Casey asked if she would be performing alone.
        Ms. Tsangaris said that she would be and she dresses as a vampire – hobo this year.
        Mr. Casey reviewed the rules with her and said that this year she might be placed.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Lawrence Noel.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what he does.
        Mr. Noel said he posed for pictures dressed as Frankenstein.  
        Mr. Casey asked if this was his first year.
        Mr. Noel said he did it last year as well.
        Mr. Casey reviewed the rules and regulations and motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.  
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Derek Purdy
        Mr. St. Pierre asked him what he would like to perform.
        Mr. Purdy said is a movement artist and performs juggling.  He said he is fairly skilled and has done it for 4 years.  
        Mr. Casey asked if he heard the rules that he previously explained.
        Mr. Purdy said he did.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.
Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Thomas Gorham.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what he would like to perform.
        Mr. Gorham said that he plays the flute and guitar and sings.
        Mr. Casey reviewed the rules and regulations and motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicants: Honey Amirault and Susan Cassidy.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what they perform.
        Ms. Amirault said that she and her sisters dress up as witched and pose for photos and that last year someone asked for a license so they came to apply for this year.
        Mr. Casey reviewed the rules and motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.  

Approved:       Application for a Street Performers License. Applicant: Tyler Twombly.
        Mr. St. Pierre asked what he performs.
        Mr. Twombly said he performs a magic show.  
        Mr. Casey reviewed the rules and motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for a Psychic Fair. Applicant: Witch’s Hide. Present: Delila Bettencourt and her attorney Jack Foley.
        Mr. Casey asked where the Fair would be held and how many readers she would have.
        Ms. Bettencourt said in her store at 190 Essex Street and that she would add two for her Fair on the weekends.  
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve contingent on the BOP’s being completed.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for Once Day Liquor License. Applicant: Friends of the Brook house. Present: Becky Putnam.
        Ms. Putnam said it’s the 15oth Anniversary and they would like to host a Victorian tea and have wine.
        Mr. Casey said because they are a non profit the fee would be waived. He asked who would be serving.
        Ms. Putnam said Lantern Catering and there will be about 100 people on Saturday October 8th.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive fee.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for a One Day Liquor License. Applicant: Ellen Hardy, President of Salem Arts Association.
        Ms. Hardy said that this is the only Fundraiser held this year. She said the servers are TIPS certified she has the insurance and she will call for the detail. She said the event is October 15th, for 100 people from 7-11pm.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve and waive the fee because they are non profit.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for an Entertainment License. Applicant: Bangkok Paradise, 90 Washington Street. Present: Yasaris Cappelan and Jesus Franco.
        Mr. Franco said that he would like to have music, a DJ sometimes a jukebox radios and tv’s.
        Mr. Casey said that at one time the former owner had a speaker outside and that is not allowed. He also asked if the menu was submitted as requested in the last meeting and asked when they plan on opening.
        Mr. Franco said they have one now and they want to open next month.
        Mr. Lee suggested they put more for entertainment so they don’t have to come back.  
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve for music, a DJ, a jukebox, radio and 10 tv’s.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for Psychic Fairs for Christian Day at Museum Place Mall and OMEN   . Present: Tim Reagan, manager.
        Lt. Ouellette asked if these Fairs were associated with the Festival of the Dead.
        Mr. Reagan said no that an organizer does the Festival.
        Ms. Rennard, City Solicitor, said that last year there was some nudity at the ball. She said that she has spoken to Mr. Day and his attorney about this.
        Lt. Ouellette said he wanted to bring it to the attention of the LB.
        Mr. Casey said that maybe Mr. Reagan could let Mr., Day know this was an issue on behalf of the LB.
        Mr. Reagan said the Fait at OMEN would be seven or so readers just on weekends for the month of October and the Fair at the Mall would be the entire month of October as from 10am-10pm.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve both Fairs.       
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application to approve a Psychic Fair Application. Applicant: World of Witches, 57 Wharf Street. Present: Donald Lewis, owner.
Mr. Casey reviewed paperwork and said there are six names being submitted for the Fair and asked where the Fair would be held.
Mr. Lewis said that it would be at the chapel. He said it would be for the entire month and that they would go until 10 on the weekends.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Application for Lodging House at 10 Howard Street. (Carried over form previous meeting.)
        Mr. Casey said that a final inspection was done and they were all clear.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries. 

Discussion:     Exchange on Congress. Present: Mr. Ernest Corbin, owner and Andrew Corbin, Manager and Mr. Berardino building owner.
        Mr. St. Pierre said he would like to know what is going on down there.
        Mr. Corbin said that Joe is the acting Manager.
        Mr. Casey said that Joe is not. No Transfer or change was ever completed.  
        Mr. Berardino said that Joe Costanzo put a manager in there
        Lt. Ouellette said the license belongs to the Corbin’s.
        Andrew Corbin said that things are transitioning and it is the same plan as before.
        Mr. Casey said that the pouring of alcohol is going on there with some random man being there that no o ne is aware of. This person is not listed anywhere on the license. He said that the ABCC will take the license if this continues.
        Lt. Ouellette said that a Mr. Nelson Sanchez claims to be the “owner”. He said the problem is that Mr. Corbin is the license holder until a transfer happens.
        Mr. Casey said he would like to see the license suspended until all of this is figured out.
        Andrew Corbin said that Mr. Costanzo was going to take over the business but he cannot run two businesses so he was going to sell it to Mr. Sanchez.
Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
Lt. Ouellette said the owner of the business has to remain involved in the operations of the business until the Transfer is complete. He said right now anyone and everyone is in there. He said there are 11 police reports since July. He said Mr. Sanchez says he is the owner. Something has got to be done.
Mr. Casey said that he makes a motion to hold a Hearing on the next meeting date about these issues and told Mr., Corbin that it would be wise to suspend Mr. Sanchez until then and to bring him to the next meeting as well.
Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries. 

Discussion:     with Stephen Morris owner of 43 Boston Street Lodging House.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that there are some issues to be discussed.
        Mr. Casey said that Mr. Morris just renewed the 2011 license last week but that there is a huge amount of outstanding taxes and there is a lien on the property.
        Mr. Morris said he thought they were paid out of a construction loan that he took.
        Mr. Casey said they were not and that if they are not all paid by the next meeting on October 11th, which he will be called in for a Hearing for, the license will be revoked.
Discussion:     There was a discussion between the LB, the City Solicitor and several restaurant owners, including Jenn Reardon, Diane Wolf, Pat Schultz, Darek Barikowski and Joan Lovely, Mike Sosnowski, Rinus Oosthoek and Terri Riley Goggin on the conversion of Liquor Licenses that are currently at the State for approval.
        The main theme of this discussion was regarding what fee will be set for the converted licenses and who will set up the fund the fees will go to. Also talked about was process once they were approved at the State and what could be done to expedite the process.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that the LB needed a bigger picture of all of this as a whole. He asked that this discussion be continued until the October 26th meeting when the full Board would be present and in the meantime this group to get together what information they can to bring back.

Approved:       Application for a Psychic Fair. Applicant: Crow Haven Corner. Present: Laurie Stathopolous.
        Ms. Stathopolous said that she would like have a Psychic Fair for the month of October at her shop on Friday, Saturday and Sundays.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

Approved:       Temporary transfer of two sub-licensee Fortunetelling Licenses at Salem Wellness Center. Present: Donna Caramello.
        Ms. Caramello said there were extenuating circumstances with her health and her reader is taking care of an ill mother and has not been able to come in to do readings. She asked if these licenses could be temporarily transferred to two other readers until all of these issues are resolved.
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded. All in favor. Motion carries.

ications:       Councilor Sosnowksi said he would like to speak about the issue of Lodging Houses.
        He said that he has had a discussion about his concerns with the City Solicitor. He said he would like to see these Lodging Houses go back to their original zoning and would like input from the LB. He said he just wanted to give the Board a heads up on what he will be working on.
        Mr. Casey said for the record that the number of rooming houses have gone down from 25 to 15 over the several years.    

Old/New:        NONE

Approved:       Meeting Minutes from September 14, 2011.  
        Mr. Casey motioned to approve.
        Mr. Lee seconded.

Discussion:     Mr. Day came in and asked to speak to the Board about the issue regarding the Festival of the Dead that was brought to the attention of Mr. Reagan earlier in the meeting. He said that the burlesque dancer had pasties on for the entire performance until one fell off and was captured in the pictures.
        Mr. Casey said that that kind of entertainment was not going to happen.
        Mr. Day said it was an accident as it fell off.
        Lt. Ouellette said it was not just her that there were others as well.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that pasties were not enough in this City.
        Mr. Day said there were over 500 pictures of this event and these are the ones that have come out.
        Mr. St. Pierre said that this was just a warning and hopefully there will not be and issue like this again with Mr. Day’s cooperation with the Board.

ment:   Mr. Casey motioned to adjourn
        Mr. Lee seconded.  

Respectfully Submitted,

Melissa Pagliaro
Clerk of the Board

Submitted: October 7, 2011
Approved:  October 11, 2011